Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Gabe's First Hike--Lynn Camp Prong

Gabe's First Hike-Lynn Camp Prong

Sat. March 4, 2017

Lynn Camp Prong Video

  We have had a mostly mild Winter.  We took advantage of it one weekend finally getting our
nine month old grandson Gabe out for his first hike.   We were not sure how he was going to like it.
We picked something very short and easy in case he didn't care for it. He is not good about riding in
the car. He hates it.   Tremont is close and we figured that was about his limit right now.  It was a clear, pretty day and the temperatures were mild.    We packed up the diaper bag and the backpack.
Off we went.

       We got to the back of Tremont to start hiking up Middle Prong Trail.  Lots of people here today, but that was to be expected.  We still had no problem finding a parking spot.  We took very little with us. A sippy cup of tea, a pacifier, and Gabriel.  I toted him on the way in. He rode up there on my back like a champ. He never complained. He sang all the way out the trail.  I hoped he would. You could tell he was loving being outside. We stopped at every interesting spot and let him take a good look.  He was seeing all these things for the very first time in his life!  I would walk near the rock faces and let him feel the surface of the stone. I let him get down and feel moss. I handed him a stick.
He tossed it down.  He was very keen on the waterfalls and showed an intent focus on them. 

      We took him to see the first three falls on Lynn Camp Prong and went a tad further. 
We stopped by a pretty spot in the stream to look at that.   Kenny toted him back. He liked riding on Kenny's back even more because he was up higher and could see more! He seemed to enjoy it. He has proven he can go on longer hikes.  We'll take him again soon on a nice warm day.  I have to figure out how to tote along diapers and enough stuff for him and us! 

 waterfall on Lynn Camp Prong
 Above and below Gabe in the backpack