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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

West Prong Hicky Fork Hike

Outhouse on Meadow Creek Mountain.

Meadow Creek Mountain and West Prong Hickey Fork Falls Hike

Nov. 2013

Dana & Kenny Koogler

     The last hike I took before becoming ill and all the other catastrophe that befell me 
and Kenny was a Winter hike.  We wanted to fit in a Saturday hike adventure before the madness of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I talked him into a waterfall hunt. 
We ended up wandering around exploring in the mountains along the boundary between Tennessee and North Carolina.  

 We found the Meadow Creek Mountain Fire Tower and went up there to enjoy the view.
It was icy and snowy and very cold, but the sun was out and the view was marvelous!
They have installed a privvy for visitors to use.  All the conveniences, eh? The wind was really whipping and it was very cold!

Heading up the trail to the tower. 

 View from Meadow Creek Mtn Tower

   We wound along those back roads into the Shelton Laurel community of North
Carolina. We found the trail head to West Prong Hickey Fork Falls.  It was very pretty back there and isolated.  We ate a quick lunch in the jeep and then hit the trail.
It was only a short, easy hike to the falls. It was prettier and easier than expected. The woods were snowy the entire way. That part of the woods doesn't get much sunlight.
We found the falls and there is another big 100 foot long sliding cascade before the main falls.  The trail here continues and comes out on Camp Creek Bald along the A.T.

Snowy woods of Shelton Laurel. I love the pink gold tinge of alpen glow in the pictures.

West Prong Hickey Fork Falls.  It is very pretty!

Sliding cascades before the main falls.  It was quite impressive!

Foot bridge over the stream at the start of the trail.  Very sturdy.

Friendly deer and horse on the way to the trail to hike.

     We enjoyed our hike. We made it back and decided to hunt up another local falls. Waterfall on Hensley Branch. We missed it by a gnats butt.   We were out in the middle of nowhere. Kenny did not want to drive home on those twisting roads again.  He was tired and cold and had a jones for Cracker Barrel dinner. We got on Interstate 26 East in the middle of someone's back yard....... so it seemed... and off we went.  The new section of the interstate is spiffy. It really was much better than going home the other way!

      We had a good time.  The holidays were messed up for us this year in many ways.
I was glad we did this hike.  I thought back on it as I was in the hospital. Quiet woods 
dusted in snow. Falling water. Murmuring streams and wind through the trees. Fresh air.
Winter sunshine. Icicles. It helped hold me over until I was able to get out again.

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Dana 🐝