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Monday, January 9, 2023

Twenty-five Facts About Me


Twenty-five Facts About Me 

One of the suggestions for YouTube video creators to put on their channels is a "50 Facts About Me" video. I am too boring to have fifty facts to tell so I will half it.

I will see if I can make a short video about me for my channel. Maybe.

Here goes nothing.

 1.  I love the beach and grew up going every year multiple times. 

2. I learned to swim in the ocean in Pamlico Sound. 

3.  I love the smell of coconut and beachy scents. I wear Waikiki coconut year round. 

4.  I nearly died when I was five because the surgeon taking my tonsils out was an alcoholic.   I almost bled to death.  I remember it very well.  It was awful.

5. I have been married for thirty eight years. Kenny has been in my life for over half of it.  

6. I have always been a tomboy and had as many guy friends as girls. 

7. I play the piano. 

8.  I have very eclectic musical tastes.  

9.  My favorite wrestler is Dusty Rhodes the American Dream because of his lisp and how cute he was.  Below is a video clip of him trash talking Ric Flair.

10. I have the most unladylike habit of figure four sitting.  I even catch myself doing it if I am wearing a dress.  I may be female, but I act like a cowboy in a saloon. 

11. I love maps

12.  My dad was a photographer and I took up photography as a hobby when I was thirteen. 

13.  I like animals and often know what they need or are trying to tell me.  Especially birds.  

14.  I grew up going to church every time the door was open we were there. I am a Christian., but I'm sure not perfect. 

15. I have too salty a mouth. I need to work on swearing less.

16.  I start to laugh when I am nervous and often get in trouble for inappropriate laughter. 

17.  I pick up on the feelings, thoughts and physical symptoms of others from time to time.   It usually means I need to pray for the person.

18. I don't care for cell phones much. 

19.  I need a lot of time alone. 

20. I am a very artsy, craftsy person. Very creative.

21.  My mom and step mom both sew and are expert seamstresses.  I sew, but not like them.  My brother in law Brian calls me The Golden Needle.  

22.  I have a very stupid sense of humor that not everyone finds funny. 

23. I love to cook and have been cooking since I was a little girl thanks to my mom.

24.  I can drive a stick shift or three on the tree.

25.  I like trains.  

Above:  Dana & Kenny standing on the frozen Pedlar River in Virginia. Just in front of Panther Falls.
Above: The day we went to find Panther Falls I found someone's nasty underwear left behind and frozen.  Take yer drawers with ya buddy when ya go! 

Above: Dana on a camping trip with Kenny in our very first camper at Rock Island State Park.  That is my very first pair of Lowa hiking boots on my feet.  I think this was our first camping trip to the Cumberland Plateau ever. 

Above:  me and Crystal in a tree stand on the bluff on our farm.  It sits above Moffatt's Creek. We were hiking today. I think this was early March.  
Below:  Kenny and Me sitting on the porch swing all hugged up. Our old house in Virginia on the farm.   We'd been doing yard work. I think I had been mowing all morning.  Thus the old dirty looking sneakers and the ball cap.  

It is fun looking back at some of these old photos.  I have forgotten some of the many things we did over the years, but the pictures bring back memories.

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Dana 🐝