Extra Pages

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Cumberland Gal Banners Over the Years


Above: Me with my maps on the computer room at home. 

The top maps are both east and west sides of the Great Smoky Mountains from the current day map.   The lower maps in sepia are the 1933 map of the newly formed Great Smoky Mountains National Park east and west sides.  I love to compare the two maps from the different times and hike old manways. 


 Today I got ready to upload some photos from my computer to Smugmug. 

I had to search to see where they ended up.  Not seeing them initially, I checked the download folder.  Had it been a closet it would have been packed full with stuff falling out on my head.   Time to clean this out.   I checked to see what each item was before I deleted it.   I found years worth of my Cumberland Gal Blog Banners.

I placed them all in a gallery.  I felt they were worth keeping and collecting. 

Here is a link to the new gallery with a thumbnail sketch explaining what each one is, where it is, and what I was doing at the time.

    The way I make the banner selection is to try to keep it with the current season. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.   I try to keep it from something recent whenever possible.  

Cumberland Gal Banners Over the Years

Below is a video of Aday Day singing Cumberland Gal. I named my blog before I ever knew of this song. 

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Dana 🐝