Around Home--Summer 2024

 Around Home--Summer 2024

   Every so often I create a page to show what's been going on at Kügler Haus that is not necessarily outdoor related.  I figured it was about time to come up with a current one. 

         Not a lot is going on.  I've got some pretty flowers growing outdoors.   
Kenny took pity on me and finally we replaced the indoor/outdoor carpet on the screen porch and back deck.   The back deck is sound, but got beat to pieces and has splinters because of that hail storm many years ago.   It was simpler for now to just cover the damage with carpet than to rebuild a new deck.   My mom pointed out that if we covered the entire floor of our screen porch instead of just half ( the way we did have it) it might help keep the stink bugs out.   Turns out she was oh so right!    He did a bang up job on it.  I cleaned things up and covered the top of my counter out there with waterproof wallpaper that looks better.   

Above: Deck outside our master bedroom. 
Above: screen porch is tidied up and looking much better!  Less insects making their way in simply by putting down carpet!   The cats love this porch and have learned to leave the screens alone. 

Below: My son Jared and his little ones, my grandchildren Mia age 3 and Gabriel age 8
Below:  I had to purchase this cute sign while I was recuperating from having my knee replaced.   My cats spent a lot of time making biscuits on me and purring. Trying to heal me!  
Below: Gabe turns 8 Mia is cheering for her brother. He got the fish tank for his birthday. 


The Hutch Makeover is Complete! 

Below is a BEFORE image of the hutch I gave to my daughter Crystal.  It was a family effort to redo this thing and it took a long, long time.  

Below is the AFTER image. This was Crystal's vision of how she wanted it.  She and her Daddy finished it up.  She has great decorating taste.  It is in her kitchen. 
Below:  I wanted a fresh new bedspread for our bed.   It is a lighter weight for Summer.  I   love it. It is so soft. 

Above: Daughter in law Lydia, son Jared and grandson Gabe at a Christian music concert with RIO church.   Gabe's cheeks are flushed.  He had to go home early because he was sick with the virus we've all had.  

The Fairy Garden 2024

Below are four images showing the fairy  garden underneath the curly slide on my grandkids playset.   Granddaughter Tessa age 10 did a lot of the work on this!  We spent a day together just the two of us. It was fun!  She did a great job on it!  


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Dana 🐝