Cumberland Gal Cover Photo and Updates

Cumberland Gal Cover Photo and Updates

Current Cover Photo Mill Hole on Sunday. Trip report pending. 

Below:  Elora Falls. TR Pending of Benton Falls & Elora Falls 

New Trip Report Posted at last: 


I will continue to focus on visiting the areas that pertain to the Little Tennessee River watershed and include them in Valley So Wild blog series.  

Lord willing, I plan to book my 2025 Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage to Jamestown, TN.
Camping or staying with Sharon. Hunting wildflowers, waterfalls, caves, mushrooms, and getting into mischief with my new right knee!  

I plan to continue my Hybrid Trillium Research in 2025 by going to Alpine Mountain and the Smoky Mountains.   

  Serious changes to OHV riding are in the works. 
I will be writing a blog piece regarding the changes.
Permits, expiration dates,  and changes to access in the Pickett State Forest area. I will address all of these.

 I will also address changes to Tennessee Landforms and how I plan to handle it. 

I am sure to be looking at another blog audit.

 I am also actively looking for a get away place in the plateau.  


Hearing from Readers of my blog

   I get emails or text messages from readers now and then. I always enjoy hearing from them.   I've made some good friends. I've gotten ideas that have greatly improved Cumberland Gal.  Going over things like directions or trip reports with readers trying to help them often jogs my memory. It causes me to recall places I've wanted to go. I sometimes  think I've created directions to a place when in fact I have not. It gives me a chance to remedy that.   The readers are part of my inspiration for what I do.   Though I don't give specific directions to every place I visit I sometimes will if asked privately through messenger or email.   An example was a recent request for a "general address" for the Rock Creek Double Trestle.   

Below is a video of Warren Zeiders new song "Relapse"