Below: Elora Falls. TR Pending of Benton Falls & Elora Falls
New Trip Report Posted at last:
I will continue to focus on visiting the areas that pertain to the Little Tennessee River watershed and include them in Valley So Wild blog series.
Lord willing, I plan to book my 2025 Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage to Jamestown, TN.
Camping or staying with Sharon. Hunting wildflowers, waterfalls, caves, mushrooms, and getting into mischief with my new right knee!
I plan to continue my Hybrid Trillium Research in 2025 by going to Alpine Mountain and the Smoky Mountains.
Serious changes to OHV riding are in the works.
I will be writing a blog piece regarding the changes.
Permits, expiration dates, and changes to access in the Pickett State Forest area. I will address all of these.
I will also address changes to Tennessee Landforms and how I plan to handle it.
I am sure to be looking at another blog audit.
I am also actively looking for a get away place in the plateau.
Hearing from Readers of my blog