Saturday in the Park
Saturday April 12, 2014
Dana Koogler
Crystal Lindsey, Michael & Tessa
Bethany Lindsey, Averie & Walter
Pictures are here: Park Pix
My grandson Michael age 5 on the teeter totter.
I decided since I was going hiking on a long hike on Sunday to take it
a little easy on Saturday. I slept in until 7:44 am for the first time in weeks. I got up
and had a leisurely breakfast. I went for my walk along the river for exercise.
I then met up with my daughter Crystal, my grandkids and other family for a
picnic and play day in the park! We picked up Firehouse Subs and Crystal brought
goodies from home in the cooler. We had a wonderful satisfying lunch in Springbrook
Park in Alcoa.
We played on the playground with the kids. It was so perfect.
The weather was sunny, clear and warm. Lots of other families were out.
We saw cute dogs. The birds were singing. I saw an indigo bunting fly down and
land on the ground out from where we sat. The redbud trees were in peak bloom along
with the dogwoods. Everyone was in good spirits. We had a nice time together.

Bethany and Walter twirling Averie on the spinning chair.
Bethany and Walter twirling Averie on the spinning chair.
Michael showing me he can climb the dinosaur spine.
Here is a stock image I found of my favorite dinosaur .. the kind I want to be.. a stegosaurus! Kinda like the one in the park!
Crystal totes Tessa in the front carrier. My beautiful daughter and sweet faced happy granddaughter!
Tessa is almost always happy. She did not know what to think when Crystal got on the swings with her in the carrier. She was more excited watching Michael and another child
swing than she was being on there herself. We will have to put the infant swing up for her at my house. She is big enough now.
Walter liked running UP the slide more than anything else. Crystal is trying to help
keep him from getting hurt. He is fearless! What a daredevil!!
We went to an Easter Egg Hunt at Asbury Acres but missed the egg hunt part.
We still got to see the senior citizens Easter bonnet contest which was wonderful fun.
I love me some older folks since I grew up with most of my great grands still living!
They had the place decorated so beautifully. We got to meet the Easter Bunny and get candy and hugs from him. The kids got their photos taken with him for free.
We got to meet real rescue personnel, firefighters, police, and they had lots of freebies.
There was Bing Crosby singing Zippety Do Dah, Easter Parade, and Happy by Pharrell Williams! Something for everyone. Those old folks know how to have a party!
We thanked them for inviting us. The kids made friends with other kids, old folks, and dogs. It was grand. We were all worn out and decided to head home.
It was time to go home and rest our legs. What a glorious day!
Plus we get to look forward to the egg hunt at church Wednesday and at Grandmothers on Sunday! Easter is coming! Jesus is Risen!
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Dana 🐝