Beautiful okra blossom growing in Junior's garden behind the Castle
Greenback Castle
Kenny, Dana, Jared & Gabriel Koogler
Saturday August 18, 2018
I had been seeing my friends Paul and Amanda Gamble's photos of Greenback Castle. I was
curious about it. I finally decided it was time to go visit this place for myself while the chance still
existed. It was built by a man named Junior Banks who claims God told him to build it.
Today we decided it would be an easy family outing for us. Jared met us in Greenback on his way
up from Madisonville. We all toured the Greenback Castle. Junior Banks himself was there to greet us. It was a pleasure to meet him. He is a friendly, welcoming soul. He uses the Castle as a form of
creative expression and a way to attract visitors in order to share the Gospel of Salvation through
Christ Jesus. He does not charge admission, but has a donation box which we were happy to
contribute to. He also told me that yesterday he was working on the Castle and he looked out.
A group of young folks was doing some volunteer work for him. Picking up litter. Pulling weeds.
Helping out. He said they even continued after it started to rain! He was most appreciative and surprised.
Mr. Junior Banks up on the parapets of the castle. He is the creator of all this work.
We met Jared at the Greenback Dollar General and drove the short distance to the Castle. We arrived just as a group of two men was leaving. There is room to park three or four cars in the front
yard. Signs greet you at the start of the lane directing you toward the Castle. Signs also warn that
any professional, T.V. News folk are unwelcome. Additional signs make it clear how Mr. Banks feels about the televangelists of the world. No TV news. No TV preachers. All others are welcome. If you are easily offended by Christianity this is no place for you. The Castle was built by a Christian and as such is filled with religious iconography. Once we arrived Gabe, Kenny and Jared took off in one direction with Gabriel on a dead run. I stood and visited with Junior for a little while exchanging pleasantries. He is most welcoming and instructed me on lots of particulars about the place.
The three images posted below all show off the enormity of the front of the Castle. I started at the left and photographed toward the right just as if I were reading a book.
Lots of intricacies went into the building of this place. You can find some thought provoking words here for certain. I meant to ask what Junior had done to prove the Almighty as scientific fact, but I forgot?! No disrespect intended. I look at it like this. For the person of faith.. no explanation is necessary. For the unbeliever no explanation is possible. Perhaps this is what the Presbyterians meant in their beliefs about predestination?! I have found that quite often that overly intellectual personality types have the greatest difficulty believing in God and Christ.
I no more got done talking to Junior than here came Jared and Gabriel back toward me. They were wanting us to all stick together. I told him I was not going to be rushed. Gabriel was running around really enjoying this odd place.
We met Jared at the Greenback Dollar General and drove the short distance to the Castle. We arrived just as a group of two men was leaving. There is room to park three or four cars in the front
yard. Signs greet you at the start of the lane directing you toward the Castle. Signs also warn that
any professional, T.V. News folk are unwelcome. Additional signs make it clear how Mr. Banks feels about the televangelists of the world. No TV news. No TV preachers. All others are welcome. If you are easily offended by Christianity this is no place for you. The Castle was built by a Christian and as such is filled with religious iconography. Once we arrived Gabe, Kenny and Jared took off in one direction with Gabriel on a dead run. I stood and visited with Junior for a little while exchanging pleasantries. He is most welcoming and instructed me on lots of particulars about the place.
The three images posted below all show off the enormity of the front of the Castle. I started at the left and photographed toward the right just as if I were reading a book.
Lots of intricacies went into the building of this place. You can find some thought provoking words here for certain. I meant to ask what Junior had done to prove the Almighty as scientific fact, but I forgot?! No disrespect intended. I look at it like this. For the person of faith.. no explanation is necessary. For the unbeliever no explanation is possible. Perhaps this is what the Presbyterians meant in their beliefs about predestination?! I have found that quite often that overly intellectual personality types have the greatest difficulty believing in God and Christ.
I no more got done talking to Junior than here came Jared and Gabriel back toward me. They were wanting us to all stick together. I told him I was not going to be rushed. Gabriel was running around really enjoying this odd place.
Jared and Gabe coming to get me.
Here is little closer shot of that area on the front of the Castle. Junior asked me what I thought
of the red and black paint scheme? I told him I liked it very much. He said he was just in the process of sprucing things up with the paint job.
Here is a view of the back side of that rounded portion of the castle.
I like the vines overgrowing it. The Summer vegetation really adds
a pretty touch to the place.
Here is another close up shot of one of the little alcoves along the walls.
Not everything is neat and some stuff doesn't even look like it belongs there.
The childs shape shorter toy, the plastic basket and the Tidy Cat litter bucket for example.
Above is a pile of left over roof shingles by a flower bed.
The detail in this wall panel is quite pretty. He has used all manner of tools
and geegaws to build this place and deck it out.
Gabe sitting down on the job. He is being silly.
Once you arrive at this point where all the beautiful blue glass bottles are in the wall you must turn
right to continue along the back of the Castle.
Above is a look at some of the castle ramparts. He has got a lot of architectural work in this
thought it is very freestyle. To the bottom right you can see little Gabe walking along.
The tall plants just ahead of him are a patch of Sweet corn. Junior planted okra, corn and
other veggies in a little garden along here. Very nice.
Abandoned building that sits behind the garden area. Not sure what this was. I will try to remember
to ask Junior on any future visits.
Above: a very old pear tree grew in the garden here. It is a close up of the pears.
They are not ripe yet, but even when they are they will not be the pretty, cosmetically perfect pears like you see in grocery stores.
Above.. Kenny has met back up with us in the area near the blue bottles. Look how he has to duck to enter this archway!
Junior has at least two mock up cannons in his yard. I like this one. It is built
facing the point of the cape of land. If all this tangle of trees and weeds was not there
the terrain would be open to reveal it is protecting the high ground where the structure sits!
so in this way .. this cannon set up is how one would really be
set up to protect an actual fortification. Seize the high ground!
Another question I did not ask that will have to wait for another visit:
Was the area of trees and weeds ever clear and open?
A better look at the cannon. Piles of ammo nearby. The enemy could not see you nor you them with all that brush in the way!
A more open view of the rear courtyard of the Castle. it is a pretty spot.
On around the way you come to a gaol area. Junior warned me not to let the manequin startle me.
He said he put it there to discourage teenage partiers and he leaves a light on inside at night
for the same reason. He doesn't want visitors prowling round at night. Who could blame him?
Above is another little vignette area along the walls. It is tiled with pictures of cartoon characters.
The items in the garden bed below are also cartoon character figures and toys.
Another gate area that has watchful eyes and knights!
Another back courtyard area very overgrown with vegetation.
This is a mantle/fireplace area. It is in a room with an open ceiling at the back.
The inscription on this frieze says "welcome to the real world" it is pretty funny.
The round room where the spiral staircase is.
Looking up in the top part of the rotunda
Floor of the rotunda is only partial.
The downstairs part of the rotunda.
Ceiling of the rotunda. Beautiful craftsmanship.
This area along the back of the castle is the pet cemetery area.
Pet cemetery area continues with ledges and panels inlaid with stones and shells.
The next alcove is like an altar area for praying. It is very pretty.
Back on the beautiful grassy front lawn at the Castle. Jared, Gabe and Kenny

Above: the scene in True Detective where Rust Cohle and Martin Hart happen upon Carcosa while searching for the King in Yellow.. the serial killer.
Here is little closer shot of that area on the front of the Castle. Junior asked me what I thought
of the red and black paint scheme? I told him I liked it very much. He said he was just in the process of sprucing things up with the paint job.
Here is the first glimpse of the side of the Castle. I had decided to work my way round it clockwise fashion.
I like the vines overgrowing it. The Summer vegetation really adds
a pretty touch to the place.
Here is another close up shot of one of the little alcoves along the walls.
Not everything is neat and some stuff doesn't even look like it belongs there.
The childs shape shorter toy, the plastic basket and the Tidy Cat litter bucket for example.
Above is a pile of left over roof shingles by a flower bed.
The detail in this wall panel is quite pretty. He has used all manner of tools
and geegaws to build this place and deck it out.
Once you arrive at this point where all the beautiful blue glass bottles are in the wall you must turn
right to continue along the back of the Castle.
Above is a look at some of the castle ramparts. He has got a lot of architectural work in this
thought it is very freestyle. To the bottom right you can see little Gabe walking along.
The tall plants just ahead of him are a patch of Sweet corn. Junior planted okra, corn and
other veggies in a little garden along here. Very nice.
The Castle sits on what I think is called a 'cape" or a piece of land that is open on three sides.
This one looks like a slender finger of land jutting south toward Tellico Lake in the distance.
It does sit higher than the surrounding terrain. It is built in a residential area, but most of what I saw around it are abandoned or very delapidated but occupied homes.
to ask Junior on any future visits.
They are not ripe yet, but even when they are they will not be the pretty, cosmetically perfect pears like you see in grocery stores.
Above.. Kenny has met back up with us in the area near the blue bottles. Look how he has to duck to enter this archway!
Junior has at least two mock up cannons in his yard. I like this one. It is built
facing the point of the cape of land. If all this tangle of trees and weeds was not there
the terrain would be open to reveal it is protecting the high ground where the structure sits!
so in this way .. this cannon set up is how one would really be
set up to protect an actual fortification. Seize the high ground!
Another question I did not ask that will have to wait for another visit:
Was the area of trees and weeds ever clear and open?
A better look at the cannon. Piles of ammo nearby. The enemy could not see you nor you them with all that brush in the way!
A more open view of the rear courtyard of the Castle. it is a pretty spot.
On around the way you come to a gaol area. Junior warned me not to let the manequin startle me.
He said he put it there to discourage teenage partiers and he leaves a light on inside at night
for the same reason. He doesn't want visitors prowling round at night. Who could blame him?
Above is another little vignette area along the walls. It is tiled with pictures of cartoon characters.
The items in the garden bed below are also cartoon character figures and toys.
Another gate area that has watchful eyes and knights!
This is a mantle/fireplace area. It is in a room with an open ceiling at the back.
Above: Some blurbs about U Tube and some "unknown" science.
Fact check. I don't know what is meant by "250 stories" relating to U tube.
Maybe there is a U tube I am unaware of.A search of YouTube on the other hand did not
reveal 250 videos or stories about the Greenback Castle. It found about thirty three
videos relating to it. It appears at least two of those are duplicates. Many of them focus on
the paranormal and hauntings that I consider utter nonsense. A great number of them
are about Junior's faith in God and to me that negates the possibility of any force of
evil. Any place where a child of God loves and worships is not going to be grounds for
evil to exist or stick around. Another question I plan to ask Junior on an subsequent visits:
Do you believe this place is haunted or evil?
Should he answer yes I will ask him how that can be if it belongs to the Almighty as he told me it did.
As for the buoyance and gravity being the same force. They are related, but they are NOT the same force. One counter balances the other and when buoyancy is overcome by an objects weight.. gravity wins!
Don't know whose idea that UP must exist for gravity to exist as of 11/17/17.
This is another missive. Gravity can act upon something in side to side attraction. Up doesn't have to exist first.
The bit as of 4/18/18 about Down not existing... true that directions are human concepts created to make sense of our world, but beyond that I don't know what to say of it. Out in the universe
directions do not exist in the same way as we use them on earth as frames of reference.
As for the blurb in the middle about the gravity equation--No.
Here is the equation for gravity g = GM/r2
The round room where the spiral staircase is.
Looking up in the top part of the rotunda
Floor of the rotunda is only partial.
Kenny going back down the stairs from the round room.
Ceiling of the rotunda. Beautiful craftsmanship.
Stairs that spiral to the top.
One area along the back side of the Castle. Gabe running in and out of doors exploring. He is loving this spooky, quirky old place!
Looking up through the trees at the ramparts of one of the rotundas. A pretty scene.
Above: row of headstones with names on them. I did not ask what they are supposed to be, but Lynn Harrison calls it the Pet Cemetery. That may be exactly, literally what it is.
Along this back wall there are lots of detailed panels with rock work. Each one is different.
The most spooky panel at Pet Cemetery.. the skull and arrows panel.
In one of the alcoves along the back wall is a sitting area with a chess game all laid out.The next alcove is like an altar area for praying. It is very pretty.
The primary message of the Castle is a great one.
One alcove along the back has glass insulators and a buddha head. I want to ask Junior
why a Christian would display a graven image?
The two rotundas are connected by a very rickety looking wooden bridge! I don't know if I'd cross that or not.
All in all our visit to the Castle was fun and very interesting. I am glad we went. I feel like I missed several rooms in it though. I want to return when it is just me so I can be more systematic and take my time. It has far too much detail and the lay out is a little odd. It lies on this cape less than two miles from Tellico Lake.
Looking at it from satellite view it is simple shape. It forms a capital L with the long leg of the L toward the front away from the lake and the short leg of the L on the end toward the east. Junior Banks has put a ton of effort into making his dream a reality. I've never visited anywhere like it before. My favorite crime/mystery show ever was the very first season of True Detective starring
Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. It was set in rural Louisiana and was based on facts from two true crime stories. It was like H.P. Lovecraft stories come to life on the screen or Ambrose Bierce. It reminded me of the terrifying and bizarre plantation ruins in True Detective. I thought I'd found Carcosa when I was at Greenback Castle. It is not scary to me, but it is delightfully weird!
Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. It was set in rural Louisiana and was based on facts from two true crime stories. It was like H.P. Lovecraft stories come to life on the screen or Ambrose Bierce. It reminded me of the terrifying and bizarre plantation ruins in True Detective. I thought I'd found Carcosa when I was at Greenback Castle. It is not scary to me, but it is delightfully weird!

Above: the scene in True Detective where Rust Cohle and Martin Hart happen upon Carcosa while searching for the King in Yellow.. the serial killer.
I look forward to not only returning to the castle, but expanding my explorations in this vicinity.
I was checking out the maps and satellite views of this place when I realized how close it was to Sequoyah's Birth Place, Ft. Loudon historic park and a place seen on the map is McGhee Carson Peninsula State Historic Park. I had never even heard of the last one. Doing some further digging
about that McGhee Carson state park I learned that it is an abandoned state park! It is still owned by
the state of Tennessee, but it is used as food plots for wildlife now. I'll go over there to see it for myself.
Directions to Greenback Castle:
From U.S. Hwy 411 go 3.5 miles north of the bridge over the Little Tennessee River and turn right (East) onto North Trigonia Road. Drive 0.7 miles on Trigonia Rd and turn left onto Lee Shirley Rd.
Drive 0.2 miles and as you top a hill turn right into a gravel driveway. There is a sign at the end painted saying "Castle~~>" The castle is at the end of the driveway.
From Dollar General in Greenback it is 1 mile south on Hwy 411 to a LEFT turn onto North Trigonia Road.
Drive 0.7 miles and turn left onto Lee Shirley Rd. Drive 0.2 miles and turn right into a gravel driveway as you top the hill.
Directions to Greenback Castle:
From U.S. Hwy 411 go 3.5 miles north of the bridge over the Little Tennessee River and turn right (East) onto North Trigonia Road. Drive 0.7 miles on Trigonia Rd and turn left onto Lee Shirley Rd.
Drive 0.2 miles and as you top a hill turn right into a gravel driveway. There is a sign at the end painted saying "Castle~~>" The castle is at the end of the driveway.
From Dollar General in Greenback it is 1 mile south on Hwy 411 to a LEFT turn onto North Trigonia Road.
Drive 0.7 miles and turn left onto Lee Shirley Rd. Drive 0.2 miles and turn right into a gravel driveway as you top the hill.
PLEASE follow directions carefully and check your Google maps before setting off. I have cleared these directions up to reflect North Trigonia Road. I made a mistake in the previous set and people were trying to drive on a residents farm use only road. My apologies. Only trying to help, but I am fallible.
No admission/ Bring along a donation for the box.
Hours: Ok to visit from 8:30 a.m. to dusk. Ok to visit whether Mr. Banks is there or not per the man himself.
No admission/ Bring along a donation for the box.
Hours: Ok to visit from 8:30 a.m. to dusk. Ok to visit whether Mr. Banks is there or not per the man himself.
Can you PLEASE correct your directions to say Trigonia to North Trigonia, we have people trying to drive thru our farm on a gravel road (used to feed cattle) Thank you
ReplyDeleteI have done as you asked. Thank you and my apologies for the mistake and the trouble caused.