Catesby's Trillium growing in the forest near Ballplay Falls
Ballplay Falls With the Family
Dana Koogler
Adam, Crystal,
Michael and Tessa Lindsey
Friday April 17, 2020
(Click right arrow to advance photos.
Album is a combination of various trips)
Album is a combination of various trips)
With the covid19 pandemic closing schools my sweet daughter has been very busy.
She is teaching high schoolers online classes. She is supervising the work of her own two kids doing homeschooling. Each week we've tried to get out to do at least one hike as an outlet.
It has been very fun. Today Adam, my son--in-law, was off work so he got to go along!
We met up at their home around nine a.m. and piled into their vehicle to go.
I have been to Ballplay Falls many times over the years, but they never had.
I was excited for I just knew they'd love it. I reviewed the directions the night before, and again the morning before we left. I was trying to take us the shortest way. It was going to be easier and quicker to come in from Vonore than to drive clear to Tellico Plains and out to the falls. It started out just fine. Adam has quite a bit of familiarity with the area as does my daughter, Crystal. The kids were good as gold. They used the time in the car to play video games so they were occupied. Somehow we took a wrong turn and ended up going round
Robinhood's Barn to arrive. We finally did pass the old Ballplay School and I knew where we were then. A quick left turn and we got straightened out. They got to see first hand what my life is really like.

Above: blown out earthen dam that provided a way to drive over the stream to the house.
four inches of rain we got the other night blew out the earthen dam you drive across. We'd have to park on the near side of the stream and ford. Logs were piled up and one of the massive culverts was washed out into the field. It is big enough for a grown man to stand up in. I'd hate to have seen the flood that tore that out. I noticed one of the sheds has finally fallen in on itself.
Above: crossvine draped over the sides of the old barn
above: We had to ford the creek here unexpectedly. I had watershoes, but no one else did. I carried Tessa across on my back. Adam carried Michael and then Crystal across. It was a real adventure!
Once across we strolled back past the house and hunted up the trail. It was beautiful today. Wildflowers were around, but past peak bloom. The pine woods here smell wonderful. The trail was shady and cool. We saw sweet betsy trilliums, stonecrop, wild geraniums, and lots of maidenhair ferns. I had warned them we'd have to go over and under trees so the family was prepared for a few challenges. They all did outstanding.
Above: Solomon's plume
above: maidenhair ferns
Above: Crystal and Tessa ahead on the trail near the start of our hike
Above: pretty maroon Sweet Betsy trilliums
Above: a new blow down on the trail to negotiate
Above: no easy way around this one
Above: dogwood blossoms were abundant today and so beautiful
Above: A view out the trail of what I call a storybook Red Ridinghood Forest-- the piney woods
We were huffing and puffing up the first steep part of the trail. It then rounds a bend and levels off. It turns left and trends down to the falls. The forest was so pretty today and the air so fresh. The skies were sparkling blue and the temperatures were perfect. We came to the bottom of the hill as the trail bends near the top of the falls. I saw this memorial plaque on the forest floor. It is for a fellow I only knew from Facebook and his love for hiking in the Cherokee National Forest.. Gabe Dalton. Rest in Peace.
Above: memorial marker for Gabe Dalton
Above: The flooding scoured out the earth and pushed a big chunk of silt and debris toward the top of the falls.
above: Brink of Ballplay Falls a 40 foot drop in two levels
Once you get to this point you have to turn aside and pick up a less defined path that is completely unmaintained to the base of the falls. It is a matter of picking your way through roots, rocks and fallen logs. It is short, but somewhat challenging. My grandkids weren't thrilled about it, but they hung in there tough and with support from Adam and me we all got down safely. We had to work together.
Above: I had put my camera away right after taking this photo. It is the only one I snapped when we started through that rough patch.
Once at the bottom the kids were excited. The falls were beautiful and I heard Tessa exclaim "How pretty!". It tickles me to death to hear the appreciation for nature's beauty from my grandkids and kids. I pray they always love outdoors. I think I will get my wish. Tessa has been sunburned and freckle faced every single day since starting this homeschooling Corona virus thing.
Below: Grandson Michael.. he is getting so big and more handsome by the day.
Above: Michael captured a spider in his critter jar. He let it go before we left.
Michael in deep thought at the falls.
Above: Blue skies!
Above: I was marveling at how crystal clear the water is in Ballplay Creek
Above: A shot of Ballplay Falls from the side
above: photo from directly in front of Ballplay Falls.
above: colorful rock assortment in the plunge pool. Kids and adults had a fun time throwing rocks in the water.
Above: a deep hole of water near the falls.. the sun shining down through the water.
We all enjoyed the beauty of the falls and the challenge of getting there. The kids remembered the neat drive we took on a back road a few weeks earlier.
They wanted to know if we could go do that again so their daddy could see it too? I was all for it. We were not on any time table so it sounded great to me.
The kids wanted to tarry a long while at the falls and play in the creek. Their parents told them they'd have to pick one or the other... linger here or get going so we could take the pretty drive. They opted for the drive.
We hiked back a little quicker. Once we got to the vehicle I noticed a man on a tractor. He stopped and spoke to us laughing that "Y'all didn't get warshed away did ya?" I introduced myself and found out he is Mr. Ronnie Giles.. the owner of the place. He was very welcoming and a super nice fellow. I would love to sit down with him and visit sometime to learn more history on the place. He did tell me his grandparents lived here and owned all this. He did not have a long time to visit as we was working on trying to fix the dam where it blew out.
He said he hoped next time we came back it would be repaired. Love his heart.
He lives just down the road. I asked him some questions about this:

Above: scene from just down the road one year when friend Anne, and I visited.
He had some information for me on that, but I won't put that here. pfffft... too funny. We ate our lunch and got ourselves sorted out to leave. Sure is a pretty place. I think Ballplay Falls is one of my all time favorite hikes. Crystal noticed how much it reminded her of Granny's house in Virginia.
Conasauga Creek and Back Roads Drive
We headed toward Tellico Plains and it was mercifully shorter than the roundabout way we'd arrived at Ballplay. Conasauga Falls is a popular, well known hike in the area. I have hiked to it too many times to keep count.
Even though I had visited the falls all those times, I was still unaware of the neat drive nearby until a friend shared the info with me. It can be done as a loop off Hwy 68 and around through the country, driving through creeks and back to Hwy 68! We headed in that direction. We had not gone far on the old road when we encountered a vehicle heading the other way! Thankfully we had a place to back up and give them room to pass. The Spring wildflowers were beautiful on the slopes beside the road. Lots of fire pinks , Carolina pinks, and dwarf iris. We also saw pinxter azalea and flame azalea further out.
We soon came to the first creek crossing and pulled over to let the kids play in the creek.
above: beautiful Conasauga Creek
Above: Sparkling deep hole of water below the cascades
Above: I love the fresh bright green leaves of Spring
Above: We enjoyed exploring the cascades and scenery along the river.
Above: This trillium is very contorted
Above: Michael has put on his water shoes and is posing.
Above: my doodles in the sand
Above: Tessa and Michael playing in the creek
Above: very pale violet wood sorrel.
Tessa is the stick bearer
Adam and Crystal by the stream
Large boulders in the creek topped by a green tree!
Michael is rock hunting
Miss Freckle Face... those cheeks are turning sunburn pink again today!
We messed around in lolligag mode and stopped at the first and fourth crossings to let the kids play. I strolled in the creek and around hunting wildflowers. The scenery was even prettier today than the previous visit. Today was like a postcard. Perfect.
Above and below: Fleming Creek
Below: purple phlox on the banks of the stream
Adam and I were getting tired. We sat down in the vehicle and waited quietly on the others to wind down. We saw two dirt bike riders try to ford the stream at the fourth crossing. First guy made it over without any problems. Second guy turned his machine over in the creek. It got water in the intake. They had to get it out of the hole and mess with it so it would go again. They were good sports about it all,but we did giggle. Once we'd had our fill of outdoors we headed back toward civilization eventually coming out on Hot Water Road and back to Hwy 68. It was an awesome day as a family.
Below is the video of Ballplay Falls from today's hike
And here is a video from the creek visit today
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Dana 🐝