Monday, October 14, 2024

Nanny Won't Play Right: Playing Dolls With Mia

Nanny Won't Play Right:  Playing Dolls With Mia

  I try to be a good playmate to my grandchildren.   We play all kinds of things.  We play restaurant.

We play Bluey with the toy Bluey house, camper, and SUV.  We play "Bus Driver" with the playset outside.    We color.   We read books.  We play magnet blocks.   My granddaughter Mia hadn't quite turned four yet when this latest infraction on my part took place.   I bought a new doctor kit and a new cash register for them to play with.     Mia has one of those "Our Generation" dolls.  She loves that doll baby.  Dollbaby has an icecream truck with all the trappings.    We play with that thing frequently.

Below: Mia's Our Generation doll 

Below: The ice cream truck that goes with the doll. The picnic basket on top has tiny pretend popsicles and icecreams in it.  

     Today Mia decided to play doctor.  I figured I was the victim as the patient.  I reckoned wrong.


Above: The toy doctor kit

Below:  Mia's lap top computer for taking her diagnostic notes and recording vital signs. 

She was going to see her doll baby as the patient.   I had to play the part of the doll.   Dr. Mia got the stethoscope, thermometer, otoscope out.  She listened to Dollbaby's heart, lungs, abdomen.  She took her temperature. She looked in her throat and ears.  She felt of doll's belly.  She then got the toy laptop computer out to take digital notes the way a real doctor does.   She proceeded to say to Dollbaby:
"Now, I know you ate some broccoli earlier today.  What else did you eat?"   I had to think fast and I am usually trying to slip something funny in there.   Dollbaby replied "Well, after the broccoli, I had a tube of toothpaste, some candy, some french fries, and some cookies."   Mia records all this and turns to Dollbaby aka ME to say "I think you have gas".    You need to go home and lay down to rest.   

   I made the doll dutifully agree and lay down across my lap.   Dollbaby lay there a few minutes and I made her turn over on her side and raise her leg.  Dollbaby ripped a big fart!   

   About that time brother Gabriel came walking in.    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mia duck down behind the arm of the sofa.   Before I could say or do anything further Gabe asked "What is the matter with you? What has you upset?"   The response came "I"M MAD!!"  "Mad at who?" I asked.

"Mad at YOU! You won't play right! Don't you EVER do that again!"   and she stomped off to the bedroom.  Usually she does that to get her mind off whatever irritated her.

     Gabe turned to me with eyes big as saucers.  He didn't know what I'd done to provoke her.

I apologized and promised I'd never do it again.  Later that evening when Jared and Lydia came to pick them up after work I told Lydia what went on.   We made sure Mia was outside and out of earshot with her Daddy when I related the story. Gabe, me and Lydia all lost it and just died laughing.   

        Five days went past and Mia came back over one afternoon.        The dollbaby and doctor kit were lying there right where she left them.   I realized by the look on her face I was still not out of the dog house.   I also thought better of having left the evidence out as a potential reminder.  She cut her eyes at me and drew her frowns down.   I sheepishly looked at her and said "Did Nanny not play right and ended up making you mad?"  "Yes!" she answered.   I went on to say "I'm real sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.  I just thought it would be funny.  Dollbaby had gas and you fixed her! She farted and was relieved!"   I could see her expression soften and then she laughed with me.   It was funny she agreed, but don't ever do that again!  I told her I'd mind my manners.  I was reminded by family to be sure to document these funny little incidents for posterity.  

Above: Dr. Mia writes on her clip board

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