Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Cure For What Ails Ya Granny & the Rawleigh Internal Liniment


The Cure For What Ails Ya Granny & the Rawleigh Internal Liniment

Anyone ever take Rawleigh Internal Liniment? It was a staple in the home of my parental units and at my Granny's and Paw's house. I avoided it, but one Sunday after church we went up the mountain to Granny's. We'd stay all afternoon running around and playing. Riding the four wheeler and visiting. I got to feeling poorly. I must have been about 35 or so ( I done purty good to not take any all them years). I told Granny I didn't feel well at all. I knew I was trying to come down with something. I had chills, fever, body aches. She said well honey we're gonna fix you right up. Let's go out to the kitchen and dose you with some Rawleigh Internal liniment. I was so sick I agreed. I was now married and had two little kids and a job I had to go back to the next day. I had to try something. She put about 1/2 teaspoon of that evil stuff in a tumbler with some cold spring water and some sugar. I drank it down fast. I chased it with some more water. She put me to bed with quilts on me. She told me exactly what was going to happen. She said stay under here til you feel the sweats start. Stay under them covers long as you can stand it. Then you'll have to pee real bad. Wait long as you can to go pee and keep a sweating. Once the sweats wears off you should be right as rain. I did as she told me and it progressed just as she said it would. Within a couple hours I was 100% cured. I wished I'd not resisted trying the liniment for so long for it really did work! It has capsicum annuua oil, spearmint oil, and hemlock seed oil in it. It is enough to poison the sickness out of anyone! If I was a germ I'd run too!

At the top of the post are a couple photos I found on the web showing what the bottle/contents and the external packaging looked like. Below is the label showing the ingredients.

Above is the ingredients in the concoction.

The W.T. Rawleigh Company was begun by a Wisconsin man who started selling medicines and liniments to farmers for animals. He eventually was so successful he branched out to people. He built factories in several cities placing his headquarters in Illinois. Eventually he built a factory in Memphis, Tennessee.

The W.T. Rawleigh company had figured out long ago what it has taken us years to learn. Veterinarians can take care of people a lot better than a human doctor can care for an animal. Animals like say a hog are a commodity. If your hog is sick and standing around not eating you are losing money so you will CURE an animal in order to limit losses of income. In humans who are not commodities... there is more money to be made treating the symptoms of illness rather than effecting a CURE. Sad but true. The Rawleigh Company no longer sells its internal liniment, but they remain relevant today! Still in business though the original Memphis factory sits abandoned and in ruins.

Here is a link for the Rawleigh Company. They have progressed on to new and better ways of helping folks feel better and live better! They branched out into probiotics, immune boosters, vitamins, bee pollen products, joint supplements, and continue to sell their salves and ointments!

Being a big believer in homeopathy and naturopathy and a maker of salves from scratch... I am impressed with their success!

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Dana 🐝